
For the second time in three years, and to the disappointment of staff and students, the annual Music Camp was cancelled due to COVID restrictions earlier this term. Not wanting the girls to miss out on the Music Camp experience, Paul Kinsella, Head of Music and his team came up with a replacement model. Kaleidoscope was born. 

Over 250 students were involved in the event, held over three days at the College, which offered Music students workshops, rehearsals, and master classes.

On Thursday, 120 Years 5 and 6 students participated in ensembles, choir rehearsals, and a special Kaboom percussion session, followed by a fun afternoon tea.

It was time for the Years 7-12 co-curricular Music students to shine on Friday. The girls enjoyed orchestra, band, ensemble, and choir rehearsals throughout the day. Dinner was provided for the girls and was followed in the evening by a quiz night, fashion parade and Year 12 skit expertly led by Music Captain Lucy Dal Molin and her Year 12 team.

Saturday was another full day with guest presenters and performances from visiting artists.

The day’s program began with a stunning performance from prominent local singer/songwriter and past student Helen Shanahan and her brilliant band. This was followed by a Q & A, with many students contributing informed questions that impressed the professional musicians.

Also offered were various master classes, including a vocal techniques workshop with Matt Allen, Head of Contemporary Music at WAAPA, electric guitar techniques with Taylor Cutts, a recording workshop with Nat Ripepi and song-writing sessions with Helen Shanahan.

Workshops continued after a lunch provided by the catering staff with the amazing Fatima at the helm, ensuring everyone was well fed! A special performance in jazz styles followed lunch with international jazz trumpeter, composer and lecturer Adrian Kelly before finishing the day with a wonderful performance by Claire Fahie and her band of talented WAAPA graduates.

Thank you to Paul Kinsella, Jessica Del Borrello, Michelle Hunt, and all the performers and presenters involved in creating this fantastic opportunity for our Music students

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