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Mercy Schools Across Australia Meet

Year 10 Seeds of Justice and Social Justice co-curricular students had an early start last week attending an online gathering of Australian Mercy Education Schools. The girls headed into the College Boardroom at 7.00 am and were excited to meet like-minded students from 15 other Mercy schools.

The theme of the event was ‘To be as shining lamps: Mercy empowering women’

Students were delighted to meet Sister Angela Reed RSM who represents Mercy International Association / Mercy Global Action at the United Nations. Sister Angela is Mercy International’s Global Action Coordinator, and she oversees the Sisters of Mercy’s advocacy work.

Sister Angela addressed the root cause of human trafficking in the case of women trafficked for sexual exploitation to Australia, the topic of her PHD. Her presentation was fascinating. Sister Angela also shared information with the students about internships to New York available to Mercy students around the world. Our students were eager to learn more.

Sister Angela was followed by a number of Mercy Links students from Melbourne. These past students have a continuing relationship with the Sisters of Mercy post-schooling.  

Many schools shared their Mercy and Justice activities, and our students were excited about some very interesting projects. Look out for a few new ideas over the next few months!

Combating The Attention Span Crisis In Our Students – Jennifer Oaten

It is no secret that attention spans have been steadily declining, especially among younger generations growing up immersed in digital technology. The average person’s attention span when using a digital device has plummeted from around two and a half minutes back in 2004 to just 47 seconds on average today – a dramatic 66% decrease over the past two decades.

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