Parents Help Build Community – Jennifer Oaten
The importance of giving back to society can’t be understated. It enriches our lives and in our school context, it enables a deeper understanding and familiarity with our community and our purpose. Most importantly those who volunteer in our many parent groups are more connected to other parents and to the school.
We are fortunate to have many volunteers who give so generously of their time, helping to build our community. Our Parent Council is a great example of this.
Chaired by Mr John Robertson the council is made up of the following representatives:
John Robertson, Chair
Peter Canterbury, Treasurer
Liz Perrott, Secretary
Marie Sadler, Santa Ministry
Veronica O’Keeffe, Santa Ministry
Cam Robinson, General
Wim Smithies, General
Wendy Flavel, Boarding
Mary-Kate Walsh, Boarding
James Hepworth, Men of Santa
Aidan Casey, Men of Santa
Annamaria Monck, Parent Network
Our recent sundowner, organised by the Parent Council, is a wonderful example of community involvement. This event enabled many of our new families to connect with other families and be welcomed into the College community. As a school, we value all the help we received from the many parents who so generously supported this function. Grateful thanks go to Andrea von Bertouch who has coordinated this event over many years and will hand over to a new coordinator for 2021.
Each year families pay a $60.00 Parent Council Levy (per family) which enables the Parent Council to fund a range of projects in consultation with College staff.
Projects funded by the Parent Council in 2019/2020 included:
- Establishment of a Creator Space in the Library for recording and podcasts.
- Installing soundproofing lattice to the space between the Library and the plaza to reduce noise transfer.
- Contributions to Mental Health Strategy initiatives.
- Purchase of a water fountain for Years 5 and 6 students in the Doyle Building.
- Contribution over three years to a new van for transport of students.
- Contribution to the upgrade of Boarding House courtyards.
- Purchase of bean bags for the Boarding Houses.
- Contribution to second stage of our Indigenous Acknowledgement.
Bean bags in Boarding
Soundproofing between Library and Plaza
Creator space in the library
I thank all members of the Parent Council for the time they contribute and the expertise they bring to our community. Together we can ensure the very best community, facilities and opportunities for our girls.
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Author: Santa Maria College
Santa Maria College is a vibrant girls school with a growing local presence and reputation. Our Mission is to educate young Mercy women who act with courage and compassion to enrich our world. Santa Maria College is located in Attadale in Western Australia, 16 km from the Perth CBD. We offer a Catholic education for girls in Years 5 – 12 and have 1300 students, including 152 boarders.