As part of Santa4Santa day, the YARN co-curricular group organised a local Indigenous artist to come to the College to help the group create a mural in the fitness centre.
The artist, JD Penangke, has worked with our YARN group over the past year, painting, dancing and singing. Considering our location, we decided to include the Swan River, or the Derbarl Yerrigan as it is known in the Noongar Language. The mural shows the Derbarl Yerrigan from a birds-eye view.
You will see key locations on the mural. The image above shows Santa Maria as a meeting place, with people all around, and the pathways to get to the College. We included local animals seen around the College, as well as the grasstrees seen in the local area.
Thank you to all students who contributed and a special mention to the YARN group who have been involved in the planning and design.
Author: Santa Maria College
Santa Maria College is a vibrant girls school with a growing local presence and reputation. Our Mission is to educate young Mercy women who act with courage and compassion to enrich our world. Santa Maria College is located in Attadale in Western Australia, 16 km from the Perth CBD. We offer a Catholic education for girls in Years 5 – 12 and have 1300 students, including 152 boarders.
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