Year 10 Wellness Forum

This week, Western Australia celebrates Mental Health Week, which draws our attention to a number of very important issues. 

The Year 10 Wellness Forum offered to Year 10 students this week, was an opportunity to sit at the feet of eight wonderful storytellers and hear their stories of hope, resilience and growth.  The girls could also enjoy some time out with a yoga session.

 The Year 10 Pastoral Care Team hopes that by offering this forum to students and taking a more positive and realistic view of mental health issues, students might feel that we have opened the door to conversations. We want to encourage greater awareness and earlier identification of symptoms and promote the importance of seeking support.

During Periods 4 and 5 on Thursday, students were invited to hear from four different speakers, here are some of their reflections:

I enjoyed listening to James Dingley. He spoke about how to recover from failures you may experience whilst working towards certain goals in your life. He also stressed the importance of not only taking opportunities, but creating them for yourself. I found this very relevant as I  begin to think about my future after Santa Maria. Sophie Fowler

One of my favourite guest speakers was Madi Scanlon, who spoke about her journey through high school. She outlined a set of approaches to surviving and maintaining your wellbeing whilst still being able to reach your goals. One thing I really took away from her presentation was adding the ‘why’ to setting a goal as this helps with your motivation. Isabella McCormick

Holden Sheppard was my favourite. I found that his presentation was very real and confronting. I especially liked that he didn’t sugar coat mental illness and was honest with his personal story. His presentation was really engaging and everyone was fascinated the whole time . Saoirse Carter

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